The Department of Information Technology is responsible for managing and supporting the technological needs of the University, overseeing a wide range of systems, including computer networks, servers, software applications, databases, and other digital infrastructure.

The IT team works with other departments at the university to ensure that technology is effectively integrated into teaching, learning, research, and administrative processes.

Tasks of the Department:

  1. Providing technical support to faculty members, staff, and students in hardware, software, and networking issues.

  2. Managing the university’s computer network and servers, including data storage, and security, and developing and implementing information technology policies and procedures to ensure the security, privacy, and reliability of digital assets.

  3. Managing software licensing and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

  4. Providing training and resources to help faculty, staff, and students use technology effectively in their work and support the use of educational technologies such as learning management systems, multimedia tools, and online course delivery platforms.

Contact Us:

Head of Information Technology & Technical Support

[email protected]