The Human Resources Department is the department concerned with the application and implementation of the university’s administrative policies and procedures toward all its employees, and the department consists of:

  • Faculty Affairs

  • Admin Staff Affairs

  • Public Relations

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Implementing the plans, programs, and policies prescribed by the Department, and ensuring the soundness and accuracy of implementation and the commitment to them.

  • Participating in the implementation of the work needs and determining vacancies annually in coordination with the concerned authorities.

  • Contributing to providing the university’s needs of qualified human cadres and attracting them.

  • Preparing employment announcements, preparing job applications for employment committees, and participating in their work.

  • Providing recommendations that will improve job performance.

  • Proposing appropriate standards and methods for evaluating job performance.

  • Preparing and evaluating periodic reports on the performance of employees and the achievements of the organizational unit.

  • Managing personnel files: (appointment, training, monitoring of time, leave balance, end of service, compensation).

  • Preparing monthly payroll for all university employees, in coordination with financial resources.

  • Preparing circulars and forms necessary for the proper functioning and development of work.

The Human Resources Department consists of the following divisions:

  • Faculty Affairs:

The duties of this division are to implement the policies and procedures of the faculty and trainers of the Injaz program in qualifying for the labor market, including:

Listing vacancies for each academic year in coordination with the deans of colleges, announcing them, receiving and indexing applications, classifying them, communicating with candidates, sending detailed offers for contracting, opening personal files, determining salaries as per job rank, making work contracts and appointment decisions. The duties following up on the renewal of annual contracts, disbursing annual travel tickets to employees and their eligible families, carrying out termination procedures for the faculty and administrative staff whose services have ended, and making statistics for the teaching staff of the various departments and departments at the university required by MOE.

  • Admin Staff Affairs

  • Public Relations

Supervising the health insurance for all university employees, completing the transactions of all university employees related to passports and residence from issuing, renewing, and canceling residencies, receiving, and bidding farewell to university guests, booking hotels and travel tickets for university guests, and supervising hospitality apartments. The duties also following up with the renewal of faculty housing leases, supervising the organization and arrangement of public halls during the work of cultural events and scientific discussions, and communicating with external official and private departments and institutions to clear the transactions of the university and its employees.

Contact Us:

Head of Human Resources

[email protected]