Specialized in Islamic Studies

Specialized in Islamic Studies

ISSN: (Printed): 3005-4044

ISSN: (Online): 3005-4052

About the Journal

Al-Maw’el Journal is a peer-reviewed scientific journal specializing in Islamic Studies, published annually by the College of Islamic Studies at Al Wasl University in Dubai.

The first issue of this journal was released in 2022, including seventeen research papers presented at the Tenth Conference of the Prophetic Tradition, titled “Water Security in the Prophetic Tradition: Strategies and Objectives.”


The journal aspires to be among the highly influential and globally recognized journals.


To develop scientific research in the field of Islamic Studies for the betterment of society, promoting moderation and balance.


  • To adopt ideas and research that serve the nation and contemporary reality.

    To solve problems and provide effective solutions to emerging issues using a sound scientific methodology, aiming for progress and advancement in knowledge and practice.

    To integrate interdisciplinary sciences by highlighting influence and interaction, achieving cognitive integration between sciences.

    To bridge the gap between heritage and reality through scientific research aimed at preserving the nation’s identity.