1- Organizational Structure of the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs

2. Academic Programs

3- Training Programs

4- Colleges, Deanships, and General Education Unit

5 Continuing Education Centre

The Continuing Learning Centre was established to reflect Al Wasl University’s role in serving the community by providing opportunities for continuing learning and keeping pace with developments in the fields of education and training. It aims to develop human resource capabilities in line with educational development requirements, enhance academic competencies in educational programs, contribute effectively to the acquisition of practical experience, and meet the needs of the labor market.

The Centre offers advanced programs and courses that are in line with the scientific and professional developments in the UAE society through quality training programs and high training standards. These programs meet the needs of the corporate and government sectors in developing their human resources. They adopt methods and techniques that suit their preferences, with full flexibility to choose the time and place that suit their circumstances.

Our Vision:

To become one of the most prominent and renowned continuing education centers in the region and the Gulf.

Our Mission:

To provide continuing education services and cognitive and professional qualifications using modern educational strategies and innovative technological means to ensure quality and excellence in the use of knowledge for creativity, thus fulfilling the university’s societal l role.

Central Committees at the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs:

1- Academic Planning Central Committee

Tasks of the committee:

1- To establish general principles for the development of academic plans and programs at the University and to monitor their updating locally and internationally.

2- To make the necessary recommendations on the academic plans and programs proposed by the Colleges, based on the quality standards applied at the University.

3- To monitor the progress of academic plans on a semesterly and yearly basis.

4- To approve the recommendations of the Colleges regarding the textbooks of the University, their alignment, and ensuring their availability.

5- To approve projects related to scientific books in connection with course materials.

6- To carry out other tasks assigned by the University Administration.

2- Promotions Central Committee

The Chancellor of the University appoints the members of the Promotions Committee and its Chair, who are faculty members in the College. The tasks of the Committee include:

-Receiving the files of professors applying for promotion to evaluate:

  1. The candidate’s teaching performance.
  2. His achievements in scientific research.
  3. The conformity of the candidate’s published work to academic standards of form and content.

-Submitting an initial report to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs for the appointment of reviewers who can attest to their competence and integrity, and sending the relevant scientific documents relating to the candidate according to established protocols.

-Receiving the reviewers’ reports through the Promotions Central Committee for consideration and submitting a detailed report to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs for further action according to established protocols.

3- Recruitment Central Committee

Tasks of the Committee

1-  Implementing plans relating to the staffing needs of the University.

2-  Reviewing the required specializations for vacant posts in consultation with the Academic Planning Central Committee.

3-  Reviewing proposals submitted by colleges to Academic Affairs and make recommendations.

4-  Setting dates for the announcement of vacancies for staff members, overseeing the announcement process and its means.

5-  Proposing a panel for interviewing candidates and submitting it to the Chancellor of the University for approval.

4-Academic Advising Committee

The university is committed to providing academic and social advising to students to achieve the highest levels of academic achievement.

The objective of the policy

Academic and social advising at the University aims to develop self-awareness and improve the mental health of all students at the University. This policy responds to the needs of students through advising programs to create a suitable university environment.

The Committee shall be responsible for the following:

Formulating the organizational regulations for academic advising at Al Wasl University, including policies and procedures.

 Monitoring academic advising reports submitted by colleges to the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, studying them, and making appropriate recommendations.

 Suggesting all that that may contribute to the development of academic advising at the University.

To undertake any other tasks assigned by the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.

5- Staff Members Affairs

-Reviewing promotion requests submitted by promotions committees at the college level across various academic ranks and making recommendations to the Promotions Central Committee.

-Reviewing staff members’ requests to attend scientific conferences, making appropriate recommendations, and handling related matters.

-Reviewing financial allowance requests for attending scientific conferences, requests for publication fees, and publication specifications in international databases.

-Monitoring and approving staff members’ workload files for each academic semester based on the officially endorsed lists from the Colleges.

6- Academic Agreements Committee

1- Monitoring international agreements by activating existing agreements.

2-Conducting studies to establish new agreements with international universities.

3- Reviewing and providing feedback on academic agreement proposals received by the University.

4- Proposing areas of cooperation with leading universities and institutions concerning program accreditation.

5- Proposing tools and methods to activate exchange provisions between the University and academic institutions.


Thank You,

Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs